Learn about photography, and
Go on a date with my husband, and
Get healthy, and
Be a success, and
Start on my Christmas cards, and
Style my new home, and
Have friends over for dinner, and
Finish ORGANIZING above mentioned home, and
Write, and
Create, and
Spend more time with my little girl, while she’s still little, and
Find the perfect pair of gray boots, in my size, and of course, on sale, and
Pursue new opportunities, and
Find balance, and…
Just stop and breathe………………………………………………………
Sometimes, my mind spins like a top, with so many ideas and desires and goals. I can’t focus.
I was taught,
“If you’re going to do something, do it right, or don’t bother!”
It’s a good lesson, but… I sometimes wonder how I internalized it. In some areas of my life good enough seems fine…
The house is mostly clean…
My pants are mostly ironed…
Diner is mostly nutritious…
But, in other areas I’m stalled by the idea of not wanting to start because I can’t do it RIGHT.
I’m beginning to think I need to adopt a “good enough” attitude, or I’ll never get started on the things I really want to do!
So this month I’m committing to getting started!
My goal is to write and post SOMETHING every day.
A story, randomness, my grocery list…. Doesn’t matter. I just need to write something.
The most famous writers in the world all say that in order to be a really good writer you need to practice… you need to write!
So here goes nothing…. my new mantra for the month…

(Love this print... available at the Keep Calm Shop)
Wish me luck,
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